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High School
Class Of 1975
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Tony Abernathy
Cynthia Abrams (Farmer)
Nazaree Abrams (Curry)
Margaret Akins (Williams)
Amos Bailey
Roosevelt Barnes
Leslie Bizzelle
Lillie Bowling (Robinson)
Wendell Boyd
Debra Boyer
Cheryl Bradley (Laster)
Tina Brimage (Swift)
Lester Brooks
Marcia Burch
David Burks
Renee Burress (DeWees)
Kim Burris (Ward)
Eileen Butler
Wymon Butler
Michael Carol (Carol)
Danny Carver
Karen Casey
Martha Cephas
Robert Chisholm
Ronald Clay
Karen Clayton (Bothwell)
Derek Cofield
Sheron Cooper (Leeper)
Lawrence Craft
Judy Cranford (Johnson)
Christopher Croson
Annette Curry (Hollimon)
Rosalia Dawson
Carolyn Downey
Denise Edwards (Liddell)
Zanetta Finley (Killing)
Patricia Ford (Dorroh)
Andrea Freeman
Aleene Gray (Gray)
Darlene Grier (Threat)
Karen Hall
Glenda Harris
Marcia Hayes (Johnson)
Steven R Hayes
Samuel Henderson
Varetta High
Derek Hill (Hill)
Nancy Hilliard
Michelle Hills (Doxey)
George Hinton
Lori Hollins
Beverly Holmes
Albert Houston
Deborah Jackson (Glenn)
George Jackson
Teresa Johnson (McKinney)
Deborah Jones
Robert Jordan
Charles Kelley
Carla Kirby (Weeden)
Sandra Kyle (Watson)
Deborah Laisure (Poellnitz)
Marsha Laney (Pettus)
Billie Langhorn (Owens)
Billie Langhorn-Owens
Sharon Lavender (Martin)
James Lewis
Cliff Lorenzo (Stokes)
Cheryl Maddox
Ronald Madison
Kevin Martin
Sharon Martin-Holloway
Jennifer McClellan (Johnson)
Regina McDonald
Brenda McFadden
Deana McGinnis (Freeman)
Donnie McMichael
Cedric McMillon
Chuck McWhorter
Bruce Mitchell
Audrey Morris (Player)
Perry W. Murdock
Tommie Murray (Goosby)
Bonita Nickerson (Thompson)
Gayle OByant (Lewis)
Gail Oliver (Hughley)
Lawrence Page
Michael Parish
Deborah Parker (Shealey)
Sincerai Perry
Bernard Pettus
Colette Pierce (Burnette)
Deborah Pitts (Hopkins)
Theodore Powell
Deborah Reid (Hall)
Marquita Reid
Rodney Roberts
Douglas Robinson
Lynne Robinson
Keith Roscoe
Marcella Russell (Anderson)
Aubrey Rutland
Carol Ruzicka
Phillip Shealey
Darnese Shivers (Craig)
Arthur Sims
Randall Smith (Smith)
Starlene Smith (Knuckles)
Sherelle Spangler (Oakley)
Beverly Spears
Rhonda Swain (Fletcher)
Grover Thomas
Beverly Thompson (Boston)
Felicia Thompson (Payten)
Marrisa Thompson
Ford Thompson Jr.
Barbara Townsend (Staples)
Toni Tudor (Walton)
Karen Turner (Zellers)
Willie Tyson
Jennifer Valentine
Jennifer Wardlow (Washington)
June Washington
Jody Weathers (Weathers)
Raymond Weeden
Lawrence Weeden Jr
Craig White
William White
Janet Williams
Glen Winfrey
Valcine Young
Michele Zanders (Finch)